The deep infrapatellar bursa is located between the patellar tendon and the tibial tuberosity inferior towards the patella. As a result of direct trauma to the front of the knee or via activities such as extended bowing down both the infrapatellar bursa and the prepatellar bursa might become inflamed.
Infrapatellar Bursa
Superficial Infrapatellar Bursa
The superficial infrapatellar bursa is located in middle of the subcutaneous tissues and the ligamentum patellae. The bursa is kept in place by the ligamentum patellae.
After overexertion, or direct trauma, both the ligamentum patellae and the superficial infrapatellar bursa are subject to the creation of inflammation.
The fibers that make up the ligamentum patellae are continuations of the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle. The patellar ligament is attached above the lower patella and below the tibia.
The quadriceps tendon is made up of fibers from the four muscles that consist of the quadriceps muscle
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus intermedius
- Vastus medialis
- Rectus femoris
Deep Infrapatellar Bursa
Both the ligamentum patellae and the deep infrapatellar bursa are subject to the development of inflammation following overexertion or explicit trauma. The deep infrapatellar bursa is located in the middle of the ligamentum patellae and the tibia. The bursa is kept in place by the ligamentum patellae
The quadriceps tendon is made up of fibers from the four muscles that consist of the quadriceps muscle:
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus intermedius
- Vastus medialis
- Rectus femoris
These muscles are the primary extensors of the lower limb at the knee. The tendons of these muscles converge and combine in order to create a single extremely strong tendon. The patellar ligament is attached superior towards the lower patella and inferior towards the tibia. The fibers that comprise the ligamentum patellae are extensions of the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle.
- These fibers are referred to as expansions and undergo strain, and the tendon proper is subject to the development of tendinitis.
- The patella works as a sesamoid bone within the quadriceps tendon with fibers of the tendon expanding around the patella and creating the medial and lateral patellar retinacula, which assist reinforce the knee joint.