Mylohyoid line is a protuberant oblique rim which goes obliquely downwards and forwards from the back of the 3rd molar tooth which is approximately 1 cm inferior towards the alveolar margin, towards the symphysis menti inferior towards the genial tubercles.
Mylohyoid Line
- Mylohyoid groove is located beneath the posterior end of the mylohyoid line. It arises just inferior to the mandibular foramen and in order to connect with the body of mandible under the posterior portion of mylohyoid line it goes downwards and forwards. Mylohyoid nerve and vessels travel through this groove.
- Sublingual fossa contains sublingual gland and it is a superficial zone which is located superior to the anterior portion of the mylohyoid line.
- Submandibular fossa contains submandibular gland and it is a slightly excavated area under the posterior portion of the mylohyoid line.
- Mylohyoid and superior constrictor muscles arise from mylohyoid line.
- Pterygomandibular raphe/ligament is attached behind the last molar tooth till the upper end of mylohyoid line.
- Mandibular canal runs parallel to mylohyoid line in adults.
- The deep layer of deep cervical fascia envelops the medial side of the submandibular gland and it is connected towards the mylohyoid line of the mandible.
- Submandibular region is located posterior and inferior towards the cover of the body of the mandible. It spreads upwards up to the mylohyoid line and below up to the hyoid bone. It consists of both submandibular and submental triangles, superficially.