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What Is Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab?

Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab is a type of CAB file. It is developed for Windows Operating System by Microsoft Corporation. 6.1.7600.16385 is the latest known version of Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab, which was produced for Windows 7.

Why do CAB Errors occur?

Generally, if Windows cannot properly load your Windows 6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab file, or your CAB file is infected with a virus or malware, you are likely to see the error message.

Let’s see the ways to rectify the errors.

Scan your PC for Malwares and infections

There is a chance that your Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab error could be related to a malware infection on your PC. These malicious intruders can damage, corrupt, or even delete CAB-related files. Furthermore, there’s a possibility that the Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab error you are experiencing is related to a component of the malicious program itself.


Repair Registry Entries Associated with Microsoft Windows

To manually repair your Windows registry, first you need to create a backup by exporting a portion of the registry related to Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab:

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. In the search box, Type “command” DO NOT hit ENTER yet!
  3. While holding CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, hit ENTER.
  4. You will be prompted with a permission dialog box.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. You will see a blinking cursor in black box.
  7. Type “regedit” and hit ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab-related key (eg. Microsoft Windows) you want to back up.
  9. Choose Export from the File menu.
  10. In the Save In list, select the folder where you want to save the Microsoft Windows backup key.
  11. In the File Name box, type a name for your backup file, such as “Microsoft Windows Backup”.
  12. In the Export Range box, be sure that “Selected branch” is selected.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file is then saved with a .reg file extension.
  15. You now have a backup of your Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab-related registry entry.

Windows System File Checker (“sfc /scannow”)

System File Checker is a tool included with Windows that allows you scan for and restore corruptions in Windows system files (including those related to Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab). If System File Checker finds a problem with your CAB or other critical system file, it will attempt to replace the problematic files automatically.

To run System File Checker (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10):

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. In the search box, type “command” DO NOT hit ENTER yet!
  3. While holding CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, hit ENTER.
  4. You will be prompted with a permission dialog box.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. A black box will open with a blinking cursor.
  7. Type “sfc /scannow” and hit ENTER.
  8. System File Checker will begin scanning for Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64.cab and other system file problems (be patient – the system scan may take a while).
  9. Follow the on-screen commands.





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