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Volume and Area of Sphere

Surface Area of Sphere

Surface area of sphere is given by the formula.

S.A = 4 × π × r²

Example: Find the area of a sphere whose radius is given to be 5cm.

S.A = 4 × π × r²

= 4 x (3.14) x (5)²

Surface area of Sphere= 314cm²

Volume of Sphere

Volume of sphere is given by the formula,

V= (4/3) × π × rᶾ

Example: Find the volume of sphere whose diameter is given to be 25cm.

V= (4/3) × π × rᶾ

= (4/3) x 3.14 × (12.5)ᶾ

Volume of Sphere = 8177.0833cmᶾ

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